Going Through a Divorce?

Money and divorce ebook cover


Divorce and money- two stressful concepts separately, and together, for many, a source of extreme anxiety.

As you face these emotional challenges, the last thing you need is additional stress.  You deserve personal, professional, and experienced help with your divorce financial planning.

Download our free divorce financial planning e-book below, written by financial advisor Greg Von Berg. Greg offers divorce financial planning to clients in Colorado Springs and beyond with a personal perspective and unique qualifications to help you plan a financially healthy divorce, should you need to, with our clear and informative set of guidelines.

Empower yourself and safeguard your interests with tailored divorce financial planning and consulting. Our experienced and thoughtful approach to divorce resolution integrates our holistic financial planning expertise with our divorce-related financial experience, ensuring a guided and efficient divorce process.

Our informed method simplifies divorce resolution and post-divorce recovery, enhancing your financial planning journey. We are here to support you.